Learn about our scholarly work on Learning Futures.
Learning Futures Podcast
What if education systems were doing more and thinking differently about preparing learners to thrive in the future? MLFC Professor Ronald A. Beghetto hosts conversations on improving education and the future of learning. Each episode presents colleagues, researchers, education leaders and other guests who share how they’re thinking about and addressing the most pressing challenges in education.
Executive Producer: Dr. Sean M. Leahy, Claire Gilbert
Technical Production: Claire Gilbert, Alma Karina Munoz Baltazar
Producer: Dr. Clarin Collins
Host: Dr. Ronald A. Beghetto
Learning Futures on Apple Podcasts
Current Issues in Education Special Issue: Shaping the Futures of Learning in the Digital Age, Parts 1 and 2
Dr. Sean Leahy (ASU OofSI), Samantha Becker (ASU UTO), Kim Flintoff (Curtin University), and Ben Scragg (ASU OofSI) edited and published the special issue Shaping the Futures of Learning in the Digital Age (2020) with editorial support from Stephanie McBride Schreiner and Current Issues in Education, an open-access, peer-reviewed academic education journal produced by doctoral students at our college. The focus of the first special issue was to “capture specific calls to action for shaping the future of learning in the digital age.”
Shaping the Futures of Learning in the Digital Age, Part 1
The same team produced a second installment of the special issue, published in January 2021, which unpacks the various intertwined journeys we must embark on together to bolster digital equity and inclusion, to recognize all forms of learning and to spur an even more harmonious connections between our institutions and the workforce of the future.
Shaping the Futures of Learning in the Digital Age, Part 2
Comparative and International Education Society (CIES)
The CIES 2020 conference was held virtually in March-April 2020 and was titled “Education Beyond the Human,” with a focus on how human exceptionalism has affected all life on Earth, and how education should respond. Many of the conference materials, including keynotes, paper sessions, posters and more, are available through the website. MLFC professor Iveta Silova, current president of CIES, provides an introduction to the conference at the link below.
Explore CIES 2020: Education Beyond the Human
“Letters to the future” is a CIES project with artist-in-residence Xavier Cortada, who is creating a participatory, collaborative mural based on open letters that people submit to someone living in 2021. The mural will be unveiled at the CIES 2021 conference.
Read current submissions and send a letter
Silver Lining for Learning
A weekly webinar series hosted by Punya Mishra (ASU, Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation), Chris Dede (Harvard Graduate School of Education), Curt Bonk (Indiana University) and Yong Zhao (University of Kansas, School of Education) focusing on global educational responses to the COVID19 pandemic and its impact on education.
Scholarly writing from our team related to Learning Futures.
Keenan-Lechel, S. F., Capurro, C. T., Henriksen, D.. & the Deep-Play Research Group. (2021). Creative potential for positive social change: An interview with Dr. Ioana Literat. TechTrends. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11528-021-00583-y
Henriksen, D., Creely, E., Henderson, M., & Mishra, P. (2021). Creativity and technology in teaching and learning: a literature review of the uneasy space of implementation. Educational Technology Research & Development. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-020-09912-z
Warr, M., Mishra, P. (2021). Integrating the discourse on teachers and design: An analysis of ten years of scholarship. Teaching and Teacher Education. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2020.103274
Mishra, P., Warr, M. (2021). Contextualizing TPACK within systems and culture. Computers in Human Behavior. 117. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2020.106673
Wyatt, L., Scragg, B. S., Stein, J. Y. G., & Mishra, P. (2020). Educational change by design: Creating a school of the future. Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership. https://doi.org/10.1177/1555458920979838
Donner, J., Warr, M., Leahy, S. M., & Mishra, P. (2020). Embracing failure in a first-year technology course. UTE. Revista de Ciències de l’Educació Monogràfic 2020. Pag. 68-82 ISSN 1135-1438. EISSN 2385-4731 http://revistes.publicacionsurv.cat/index.php/ute https://doi.org/10.17345/ute.2020.3.2873
Richardson, C., Henriksen, D., Mishra, P. & the Deep-Play Research Group (2020). From brains to music: A multi-faceted discussion of creativity with Dr. Anthony Brandt. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11528-020-00546-9
Henriksen, D., Henderson, M. Creely, E., Carvalho, Ana A., Cernochova, M., Dash, D., Davis, T., & Mishra, P. (2020). Creativity and risk-taking in teaching and learning settings: Insights from six international narratives. International Journal of Educational Research Open. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijedro.2020.100024
Mehta, R., Henriksen, D., & Mishra, P. (2020). “Let Children Play!”: Connecting Evolutionary Psychology and Creativity with Peter Gray. TechTrends. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11528-020-00535-y
Mishra, P. (2020). Tipping point for online learning? On questioning the right assumptions. ECNU Review of Education. https://doi.org/10.1177/2096531120934492
Mishra, P., & Close, K. (2020). The value of school. ECNU Review of Education. https://doi.org/10.1177/2096531120926687
Henriksen, D. and Mishra, P. (2020), “Move Slow and Nurture Things: Wise Creativity and Human-Centred Values in a World that Idolizes Disruption”, Formica, P. and Edmondson, J. (Ed.) Innovation and the Arts: The Value of Humanities Studies for Business, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 143-161. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-78973-885-820201006
Common Worlds Research Collective. (2020). Learning to become with the world: Education for future survival. Education Research and Foresight Working Paper 28. Paris, UNESCO. https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000374923
Komatsu, H., Rappleye, J., & Silova, I. (2020). “Chapter 14 Will Education Post-2015 Move Us toward Environmental Sustainability?”. In Grading Goal Four. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Sense. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004430365_014
Silova, I., Rappleye, J., & You, Y. (2020). Beyond the Western Horizon in Educational Research: Toward a Deeper Dialogue About Our Interdependent Futures. ECNU Review of Education, 3(1), 3–19. https://doi.org/10.1177/2096531120905195
Silova I., Rappleye J., Auld E. (2020). Beyond the Western Horizon: Rethinking Education, Values, and Policy Transfer. In: Fan G., Popkewitz T. (eds) Handbook of Education Policy Studies. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-8347-2_1