Looking up at the sky from underneath a large solar array

What is Learning Futures?

This collection of resources introduces the concept of learning futures, why it is important, and how we are approaching it at MLFC.

Introduction: Designing Learning Futures

What is Learning Futures and why is it important? This screencast provides an overview of our Learning Futures work and explains the context for why we are focusing on designing the futures of learning through principled innovation.

Learning Futures podcast

What if education systems were doing more and thinking differently about preparing learners to thrive in the future? Co-hosts Sean Leahy and Punya Mishra discuss improving education and the future of learning. Each episode presents colleagues, researchers, education leaders and other guests who share how they're thinking about and addressing the most pressing challenges in education.

Designing learning futures through reflective practice: parts 1 and 2

Read two blog posts in which Dr. Punya Mishra and Cristy Guleserian reflect on bringing principled innovation (PI) practices to designing learning futures. The first post focuses on the need for designing learning futures, and how the practices of PI connect with our model of design. We end with a preliminary series of reflective questions that could guide our work. The second post dives deeper into how the connection between the practices of PI and our model of design. In particular we seek to answer reflective questions in the context of our design model.

Learning Futures through Principled Innovation and design, February 2020

Listen to Dr. Punya Mishra make a case for why principled innovation and design are critical approaches to addressing the challenges of education in the present and in the future.