Category: Technology

Technology paves a path to student wellness
Although achieving mindfulness and wellness through technological applications may sound contrary, people are looking to their devices as resources to help them deal with the stresses and anxieties they face

Teaching with technology: fall faculty update
As this fall semester begins, these details may affect your planning and instruction as you consider technologies to integrate into your teaching.

Instructors prepare to teach students with Canvas
The ASU community is in the midst of a transition from Blackboard to Canvas. Some instructors have already adapted to the new learning management system while others are still in the process of migrating what may be years of content over to the new platform.

What’s brewing?: exploring artificial intelligence in education
A cross-section of participants that included staff, faculty, and students discussed the possibilities and implications related to artificial intelligence (AI) in education during the latest What’s Brewing? session.

Playing is learning with emerging technologies
Represenatives of the Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation IgnitED Labs had the privilege of sharing emerging technology experiences with community members on three Saturdays in February as part of ASU’s Open Door events.

International teachers experience IgnitED Lab
Teachers from eight different countries spent some time as learners in the MLFC Tempe IgnitED Lab on February 13.

Learning community award drives collaboration, book study, technology infusion
Inspirational and compassionate instructors abound in the college, and I have the privilege of often witnessing their commitment to our students. Since September I have been collaborating with a dedicated group of them as members of a book study.

Crashing through castles and other robot adventures
Rolling spherical robots through a challenging obstacle course provided entertainment for participants of the ASU Homecoming Block Party.

SPRKs fly!
By: Claire Gilbert
Seeing kids get excited about technology is a uniquely fun experience. While tablets and smartphones are no longer novelties, the same can’t be said of robots. Specifically, robots driving through globs of paint—simply put, kids love it. (Who wouldn’t?)

Educational Technology Champion interviews completed
By: Melissa McGehee
We recently completed a round of interviews for IgnitED Lab’s Educational Technology Champions.

Telling the teachers college stories with maps
By: Melissa McGehee
The Technology Initiatives team has published two new Story Maps that describe the work of the Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation.

Teach for America Summer Institute includes technology infusion
Excited and eager new teachers in the Teach for America program received a jumpstart in educational technology during their Summer Institute through MLFC.

Tech team delivers doctoral conference website
By: Rick Baker
We were quite excited when the Leadership and Innovation EdD program reached out to us to help build a site for their doctoral research conference

Workshop showcase: the Sphero SPRK+
By: Sean Leahy
Beep boop beep! The electronic sound of robotic language is not only captivating, it can be downright inspiring. Looking a little closer, the actual written language (JavaScript) for the charming little beeps offers a peek into the power of programmable robots.

New trainings for the Office of Clinical Experience
By: Gloria Minnihan
We are excited to announce that in collaboration with the Office of Clinical Experience we have revamped the trainings for teacher candidates and their mentor teachers in the senior year residency and single semester student teaching programs.