Category: Technology

Learning Futures: Designing the Horizon keynote address
By: Sean Leahy
Revisit the keynote for the 2021 ShapingEDU Winter Games, a story of uncertainty, disruption, and resilience. See how we define learning futures, tackle the challenge of designing educational systems, explore strategic foresight tools, and build an ecosystem if resilience into our IgnitED Labs.

STEM Futures at AAAS
By: Punya Mishra
ASU recently hosted, what is known as, the world’s largest scientific gathering, the annual conference of the American Association of the Advancement of Science.

Pocket document cameras improve remote teaching and learning
Early this semester faculty member asked who might be able to provide document cameras for her, other instructors, and mathematics students. I connected with IgnitED Lab staff members to start planning how our labs could create these for the mathematics program.

Future teachers talk virtual learning and visions during Educators Rising 2020 Fall Leadership Experience
For the second year in a row, I had the privilege of presenting at the annual fall leadership conference for Educators Rising community members. The 2020 Virtual Fall Leadership Experience was a full day of opportunities aimed at high school students planning to pursue careers in education.

Earning my remote tech support stripes during MLFC’s Lead Teacher Week
By: Holden Long
After wrapping the first iteration of Sun Devil Learning Labs, some of my IgnitED Labs peers and I were tasked with helping facilitate an event for Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation Lead Teacher Week Workshop.

Creating an efficient workflow for MLFC’s SDLL 1.5
In response to educational instruction having moved online, members from numerous departments of Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation (MLFC) have worked to launch Sun Devil Learning Labs (SDLL) 1.5.

Supporting Sun Devil Learning Labs during travels
By: Abigail Owen
Over the past few months, we have been faced with a multitude of circumstances which we could have never imagined. Many people, including myself, have had to move back home, leaving college sooner than we expected. As summer approached, I found myself worried that I would have nothing to fill my days.

Community-building and cage-busting naturally match philosophy of IgnitED Labs
The latest all-college meeting for MLFC at the end of last month was a chance for virtual connection, review, and celebration. The event brought closure for the unique semester we’ve

Inside the broadcasting of the Sun Devil Learning Labs
By: Enrique Borges
Inside of the Sun Devil Learning Labs, we have been working collaboratively to simultaneously produce the live stream channels on YouTube for Pre-K, Kindergarten, and Grades 1-8 while staying connected through Slack messaging to keep tabs on all streaming content.

From lab support to live educational producers, Educational Technology Champions exemplify their titles
After closing the doors on our network of IgnitED Labs at Poly, Tempe, and West, members of lab leadership were developing projects to keep our student workers, whom we call

Connecting early childhood educators with #emergingtech
Over 100 educators and future educators participated in the Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation Early Childhood Conference on Saturday, February 8.

Homecoming fans experience IgnitED Labs technology
Once again the IgnitED Labs crew took some lab experiences outdoors for fun and learning during the annual Homecoming event. ASU community members had opportunities to discover how emerging technologies are influencing education.

Future teachers use Chaotic Energy to showcase IgnitED Lab technologies, experiences during MLFC’s Innovation Day
Ronny Hoopes, Abigail Owen, and Kaleb Freund, first year MLFC students, brought their podcast Chaotic Energy to Innovation Day on November 1.

IgnitED Lab staff increases to support, inspire visitors
New faces from various university programs have joined the veteran Educational Technology Champions (ETCs) in the network of IgnitED Labs that support MLFC students, faculty, and staff.

Future educators explore the IgnitED Lab’s educational technologies
Nearly 500 high school students who plan to enter the education profession attended the Arizona Educators Rising Conference on October 22