Category: Principled Innovation

Ed Leadership partners with Mesa Public Schools using Leadership Pathways with Principled Innovation

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Starting Fall 2021, Ed Leadership has embedded their Leadership Pathways master’s degree program into the Mesa Public Schools with ASU staff to support and coach aspiring leaders in the district.

Pausing for Innovation Week, 2020


The Principled Innovation team presented a tailored version of their The Power of Pausing: Reflection for Personal and Professional Transformation to the attendees of their Innovation Week workshop on December 10th, 2020.

Educator-to-educator: digitally sharing learning at ISTE Live 2020


What was supposed to be an in-person presentation in Anaheim, CA earlier this year evolved into a virtual session during ISTE 20 Live.

The Power of Pausing: Reflection for Personal and Professional Transformation: CSW Conference 2020


At the end of October, the Principled Innovation team hosted an hour-long online workshop titled The Power of Pausing: Reflection for Personal and Professional Transformation at the 2020 ASU CSW/SC Professional Development Conference.

IgnitED Lab’s 4th Space designed with Principled Innovation


Applying the Principled Innovation framework was paramount in the creation of IgnitED Labs Online.

Summer curriculum support with Principled Innovation Studios


This summer, the Principled Innovation team supported the MLFC curriculum redesign faculty to embed Principled Innovation practices into course outcomes.

Teenagers, retirement and reflections on the new abnormal


The economist and thinker Andrew Scott once said something that blew me away. He said that: The 20th century created the idea of teenagers and retirement.

Us in Flux: A conversation with Sarah Pinsker


The Center for Science and the Imagination at ASU has a new series called Us in Flux. Every two weeks they publish a (super-short) short story that explores “themes of community, collaboration, and collective imagination in response to transformative events.” They follow each story with a virtual conversation with the author and a guest.

Easy as PI


I’m very excited to announce that this week, we’ve launched our very first podcast, Slice of PI, wherever podcasts are consumed!

Critical reflection and intellectual character


The words “fake news” have been significant and controversial in the last few years and are especially relevant now as misinformation about COVID-19 spreads as fast as the coronavirus itself.

The moral paradox of student care


Recently, I had a conversation with a school leader who shared his approach to supporting and communicating with faculty and staff during this time of great uncertainty.

Changing environments: performance character and remote work


We are all living in a new context, and adjusting to a life of remote work has been challenging. Changes in the tools that we use to communicate and collaborate have been tricky to navigate.

Principled Innovation: Leadership for Today, Tomorrow, and the Future


Amid the pouring rain, 67 area leaders gathered at the Tempe campus on Saturday, February 22nd to focus on Principled Innovation: Leadership for Today, Tomorrow, and the Future

Shared space: civic character and COVID-19


Like so many others in the valley, I’ve taken to the trails for fresh air and exercise to beat the stress of our isolating social state.

Beware of science envy in designing the future of learning


Mike Crowley has a guest post on the site titled: If we need to be right before we move. (If you haven’t read it, I recommend it strongly. Go