Category: Design

From artifacts to culture, my journey through design: keynote at IDC, School of Design


Design is core to my identity, to who I am. Education is the space within which I function but I try to approach everything I do as a designer. This was not always the case.

Design: fixing clocks | negotiating systems


I just came across a quote from Alan Kay while browsing the web. Alan Kay is a programmer, educator, jazz musician and one of the key inventors of computing as we know it today.

Happy 2020 (and and new video)


We have been creating short videos to welcome the new year since 2008. This year was no exception. These videos, created on a shoe-string budget, are usually typographical in nature with some kind of an optical illusion or AHA! moment built in.

Talking about design in education (the five spaces framework)


I love to talk about design and education. I like to hang out with people who care about design and education. This brings us to a website/blog created by a group of graduate students (and faculty) at the Teachers College that seeks to explore “design in all its richness.”

Principled Innovation meets design: the video


Quick summary: In which I disparage the buzzword “design thinking” even while praising the idea of design; point to the value-neutral nature of design and the need for a more principled approach, and end with a video that seeks to capture a vision of principled innovation embedded into the design process.

Game of Thrones meets Toyota: two examples of Systems Thinking


Anyone who works in the area of social design knows how important it is to develop a systems-oriented mindset and how difficult it is to do so.

School design in MLFC news


One of the most exciting projects we have been involved with in the Office of Scholarship and Innovation (OofSI) has been our partnership with the Kyrene School District.

You can’t spell improvement without ME.


This is the final installment of a series of blog posts about my adventure as a Design Strategist within the Office of Scholarship & Innovation.

Testing ideas tested me


This is the fifth installment of a series of blog posts about my journey as a Design Strategist within the Office of Scholarship & Innovation.

Lisa Wyatt: a pro at prototyping


This is the fourth installment of a series of blog posts about my experience as a Design Strategist within the Office of Scholarship & Innovation.

It’s a design project!


This is the third installment of a series of posts about my key learnings as a Design Strategist within the Office of Scholarship & Innovation.

Identifying a challenge is sometimes a challenge


This is the second installment of a series of posts about my key learnings as a Design Strategist within the Office of Scholarship & Innovation.

You are here: a reflection of my experience at Stanford’s Designing Your Life studio


This is a special guest blog contribution from Hannah Scully. Hannah is an undergraduate Barrett Honors College student in the Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation and completed her Honors Thesis on design thinking and its use throughout education.

Ben and Christina’s excellent adventure to Columbus, Ohio


When you first see the title to this blog post, you might think that there’s not much to say about Columbus, Ohio… and what does it have to do with our team?

2good + 2be = 4gotten: see ya, CSI!


Last week, our seven Teacher Instructional Leaders (TILs) at Coronado High School had their last day before starting summer vacation. Besides writing HAGS (have a good summer) in their imaginary yearbooks, how did we leave things?