Cross staff design – one team’s next iteration


Our design team has been facilitating the ongoing cross staff initiatives to improve MLFC, which involves bringing an intrapreneurial, design approach to addressing problems that staff in the college experience.

Educators as designers


How might we? Three words, and a question mark. At one level it is a simple question—leaving open what it is that we might do. But at another level its openness is its strength. Because inherent within it is a call to action, a discomfort with the way things are, and an openness to change.

Coronado Success Initiative: excellent adventures, home visits, and non-academic clubs, oh my!


All I can say is that without these innovative changemakers, we’d be “in danger of flunking most heinously tomorrow.”

OofSI: the year that was


Every December the Office of Scholarship & Innovation (OofSI) team looks back at the year that was, to document and reflect on all that we have done, as well as

One size doesn’t fit all and get a robot to do it – a conversation with Dr. Yong Zhao


Last week, Dr. Yong Zhao gave a talk at the MU titled “What Works May Hurt: Side Effects in Education”. Our office scored the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Zhao and just talk.

Miami Jr. High: roots a mile deep


As a gardener, I can tell you that staying at the surface of things doesn’t serve our plants well, and the same of our children. Students at Miami Junior High are getting the chance to grow deep roots.

A year in review: Education Policy Analysis Archives


2018 was a year of excellence for Education Policy Analysis Archives (EPAA/AAPE), the multilingual, peer-reviewed scholarly journal of education policy, published by the MLFC.

Happy New Year (and a new illusory video)


Since 2008 the Mishra/Sawai family has been creating short videos to welcome in the New Year. These videos, created on a shoe-string budget, are usually typographical in nature with some kind of an optical illusion or aha! moment built in. Check out our latest creation to welcome 2019 titled “Reflect”.

Student teachers + design thinking = changemakers


MLFC teacher candidates in the Washington Elementary School District created change this semester.

Welcome, Design Fellows!


In December, two new Design Fellows joined our team. We are excited to welcome them to the team and leverage their unique talents. Keep reading to learning a little bit

Cross-staff update


Our latest Cross-Staff design session was held last Friday, and two teams (the Communication, Collaboration and Climate (CCC) group and the Onboarding and Organizational Growth (O and OG) group) shared what they’ve discovered over the past few weeks.

Post-truth and education: true or false?


Fake news, alternative facts, misinformation … unless you’ve been stranded on a deserted island these past few years, these terms should sound all-too-familiar.

SoTL resources from fall 2018


This past semester  OofSI (under the leadership of Clarin Collins) organized four sessions devoted to SoTL. The goal was to generate interest and foster conversation among faculty about studying their own practice.

Learning community award drives collaboration, book study, technology infusion


Inspirational and compassionate instructors abound in the college, and I have the privilege of often witnessing their commitment to our students. Since September I have been collaborating with a dedicated group of them as members of a book study.

The future of work and learning: an interview


I had posted earlier about my visit to Bangalore back in summer to participate in the Quest 2 Learn Annual Summit organized by the Quest Alliance.