Looking back and looking forward with the Principled Innovation Staff Catalysts


As we look towards a new year of possibilities and opportunities, we wanted to step back and share some updates with our Principled Innovation Staff Catalysts cohort.

From artifacts to culture, my journey through design: keynote at IDC, School of Design


Design is core to my identity, to who I am. Education is the space within which I function but I try to approach everything I do as a designer. This was not always the case.

Design: fixing clocks | negotiating systems


I just came across a quote from Alan Kay while browsing the web. Alan Kay is a programmer, educator, jazz musician and one of the key inventors of computing as we know it today.

Education and design and the arts


Education and the arts are deeply connected. As the philosopher William James wrote in his book Talks to Teachers:

Principled Innovation aligns perfectly with Association for Moral Education 2019 conference theme


Educators from MLFC attended and presented at the 45th Annual Association for Moral Education Conference. The focus on “Morality and Ethics for the Digital World” at the Seattle conference directly

Happy 2020 (and and new video)


We have been creating short videos to welcome the new year since 2008. This year was no exception. These videos, created on a shoe-string budget, are usually typographical in nature with some kind of an optical illusion or AHA! moment built in.

Retreat reflection


It’s hard to believe it’s already the middle of December! Here in our office, we like to take the time to reflect on what we’ve accomplished at the end of the year.

Talking about design in education (the five spaces framework)


I love to talk about design and education. I like to hang out with people who care about design and education. This brings us to a website/blog created by a group of graduate students (and faculty) at the Teachers College that seeks to explore “design in all its richness.”

Connect and reflect for the greater good


December traditionally has been an opportunity for our Principled Innovation team to look back on the work we have accomplished over the past twelve months and see how far we have progressed towards.

Homecoming fans experience IgnitED Labs technology


Once again the IgnitED Labs crew took some lab experiences outdoors for fun and learning during the annual Homecoming event. ASU community members had opportunities to discover how emerging technologies are influencing education.

Principled Innovation: the process of becoming


A few years ago we asked ourselves the question, “What could it mean for a college of education at a public university to integrate a character education framework into the systems of teacher and leader preparation?” The answer was uncertain, complex and, according to some, impossible.

Supporting students through Principled Innovation


Reorganizing the student success team in Student Services so that students have easy access to staff who can provide support in specific areas of need, including wellness, financial advising, and career counseling.

So may I introduce to you… the Principled Innovation Staff Catalysts!


This cohort of MLFC staff will work together during the 2019-20 academic year to demystify the practice of principled innovation and inspire positive change across MLFC.

Principled Innovation meets design: the video


Quick summary: In which I disparage the buzzword “design thinking” even while praising the idea of design; point to the value-neutral nature of design and the need for a more principled approach, and end with a video that seeks to capture a vision of principled innovation embedded into the design process.

Future teachers use Chaotic Energy to showcase IgnitED Lab technologies, experiences during MLFC’s Innovation Day


Ronny Hoopes, Abigail Owen, and Kaleb Freund, first year MLFC students, brought their podcast Chaotic Energy to Innovation Day on November 1.