Posts by Jennifer Stein

Project Springboard may be over, but these educators are just getting started

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Over 160 educators, leaders and community members engaged in Project Springboard from spring to summer of 2021, spanning across the US, Canada and Australia. The project wrapped up in August with a final online session, and we have created a report that summarizes the experience, outcomes and feedback we received. A common theme was the value of connecting with like-minded educators from across the world, especially during the challenges of COVID.

A diving board over clear blue water

Project Springboard: launching a new collaboration


As the U.S. began to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic this spring, the calls for schools to find ways to learn from the crisis — to not simply return to the pre-pandemic “normal” — have come from many directions. Yet for schools and educational institutions that have just been through the most challenging year in recent history and are still managing the day-to-day work of running schools and educating students in an ongoing pandemic, this is no simple task.

Learning Futures in Saudi Arabia


I recently had the privilege of collaborating with two MLFC colleagues to present a workshop for a virtual conference for educators and education leaders in Saudi Arabia

Responding to a global pandemic


It has been nine weeks — nine LONG weeks! — since the COVID-19 crisis turned our “normal” lives upside down.

The power of protocols


The word “protocol” has a somewhat rigid, almost clinical connotation for me, evoking a sense of strict rules, a process that must be followed, perhaps consequences if one does not. Yet in the last year or two, I have learned that protocols do not have to be that

Supporting students through Principled Innovation


Reorganizing the student success team in Student Services so that students have easy access to staff who can provide support in specific areas of need, including wellness, financial advising, and career counseling.

So long, Christina, and thanks for all the contributions!

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Christina Ngo wrote a series of posts about her stint as a design strategist in OofSI. We thought it would be fitting that the Design Initiatives team respond in kind, by writing a post about her stay here and the impact it had on all of us—in ways small and large.

Design Initiatives goes to San Diego: part 4


During our team’s fourth and final February visit to San Diego, I had the privilege of being part of the MLFC team that attended the two-day event, held at High Tech High’s Graduate School of Education.

New members


three new staff members joined the Design Initiatives team: Claire Gilbert as Multimedia Specialist, and Christina Ngo and Lisa Wyatt, both as Design Strategists.

Showcasing MLFC’s intrapreneurial spirit


MLFC’s cross-staff design teams presented prototypes at the year-end “showcase” event held on April 30 at SkySong.

In Kyrene, Design Team plans to shadow students for a day


The Kyrene-ASU Design Team is making plans for each team member to spend a day shadowing a student in the district in order to develop empathy and a deeper understanding of what school is really like from the students’ perspective.

Madison team selects design challenges


We are working with the administrative leadership team at Madison School District on a design process to address some of the challenges the district faces.

Madison design labs kick off with cardboard challenge


Our first design workshop with the administrative leadership team at Madison Elementary School District took place this week!