Shaping the future of learning, one publication at a time
By: Stephanie McBride-Schreiner
ScholarshipHow might educators, learning designers, and education leaders help to find the right solutions that will spur student engagement, inclusion, and success? How can we support ways of learning and teaching that ensure digital equity and inclusion, recognize all forms of learning, and make meaningful connections between all learners? The ShapingEDU community tackled these and many other questions in the special issue, Shaping the Future of Learning in the Digital Age.
Published in Current Issues in Education, one of MLFC’s open access scholarly education journals, the special issue was guest edited by OofSI team leaders Sean Leahy and Ben Scragg, Samantha Adams Becker from ASU’s UTO, and Kim Flintoff of Peter Carnley ACS in Australia. Their aim was to bring together a diverse set of authors who are thinking about, researching, designing, and creating the futures of learning. The response to the call was enormous, generating a two-installment issue that appeared in June 2020 and January 2021. Part 1 championed humanized learning, the embrace of inclusive practices, and authentic leadership, while Part 2 focused on diverse learning experiences, digital equity and inclusion, and strengthening connections between learning institutions and the future workforce.
Together, the articles of this special issue endorse the ShapingEdu vision: “that learning and teaching are inherently human activities, and that even in an increasingly digital and regulated world, all learning should support and enhance our development as people, communities, and societies.” This responsibility belongs to us all. What are you doing to shape the future of learning?
For a glimpse of the special issue and why it matters, read the editor’s introduction, and find out more about the ShapingEdu community and its change-making projects.