Represenatives of the Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation IgnitED Labs had the privilege of sharing emerging technology experiences with community members on three Saturdays in February as part of ASU’s Open Door events. Visitors of all ages had a range of activities from which to choose, and hundreds of participants took advantage of the fun.
IgitED Lab student workers, which we call Educational Technology Champions (ETCs), prepared the activities, all of which are elements in the IgnitED Labs. The labs are exploratory places for students, faculty, and community members to engage and learn with equipment they might otherwise not find frequently accessible. The ETCs packed up the labs and took indoor experiences outside. Visitors learned about Nintendo Labo kits and their educational relevance to engineering, 3D printing’s educational potential, Spheros programming basics, and Lego Boost’s programming abilities. These elements are already in some of today’s classrooms, and the labs are helping tomorrow’s teachers plan innovative ways to integrate this learning into their future classrooms. The possibilities of learning with these technologies are exciting, and the ETCs were eager to share their knowledge with all attendees.