The second “What’s Brewing in MLFC?” series featured a scholarship and research resource open house. A handful of representatives from offices within MLFC and ASU at large were invited to provide some tips & tricks, as well as highlight some aspects of their work that may not be commonly known. Attendees enjoyed coffee, pastries, and talking with each other about their research and support roles. Bottom line, there is a wealth of support available to faculty, staff, and students to assist with writing and research. Click here to access the resources mentioned at the session.
For example, did you know that scholarly publishing is a $25 billion industry? And that ASU library pays millions to publishers so that you (mostly) don’t have to pay to access resources? This is also all the more reason to celebrate and appreciate the three open-access journals, run and operated by MLFC.
Education librarians can also assist with publishing and open access questions, as well as provide tips for searching databases and also connect you with a data management librarian.
Writing and statistics tutoring is available for students AND faculty – and online appointments can be made for one-on-one writing support.
Data from our own college (including enrollment, course data, graduation rates, etc.) can be used in research – and the Data Strategy team can help ensure you are requesting the right data to answer your research questions.
With all these wonderful resources and supports – it’s no wonder our college is so active in submitting grant proposals. Thanks to assistance of the Research Opportunity Development and Advancements team, last year alone (FY18), researchers in our college submitted 88 grant proposals and received over $22 million in funding. Once awarded, our business and finance team ensure the finances and accompanying reporting is taken care of.