On Wednesday, Nov. 29, the teaching staff at Madison Meadows Middle School presented the NEW (Novel, Effective, Whole) group projects they have been developing since the beginning of September. The projects presented are the culmination of six workshop sessions held this fall with the Technology Initiatives Team and the staff at Madison Meadows.
The groups presented by grade level and showcased a wide variety of materials, plans and presentation styles. The projects also varied in how the groups planned to implement technology into their NEW project for the spring term. Some of the teams presented their ideas focused around using technology in the class to build physical objects such as bridges and explore the subject through mathematics, social implications and literature; while others focused on digital technologies in the virtual arena. One group detailed their transdisciplinary project on the upcoming Olympics to connect physical education, language and technology to create augmented reality posters to be placed throughout the school, providing AR videos on the information, history and contexts of the various Olympic games when scanned with a mobile device.
This presentation session also serves as the turning point in the year, transitioning from the planning stage and beginning the implementation stage in early January. The workshop series will continue into the winter and spring as the groups begin to implement and evaluate their projects.